To you.

11:11 AM

Dear Aina,

This is the other side of you, your alter ego. The one who always with you.

How are you? Are you good?

It' already half of February 2014. Do you have any achievements?

I hope you do. No, wrong. I know you do.

So, today is what page out of 365? 

Do you think we can live longer? Can we reach 365 out of 365, completely like previous year?

Even I didn't have the answer.

I know SPM results will comes out next month. 

Be brave young lady. You can cry as much as you want on when you get it, but don't forget to be grateful.

Be good to Mama too. Sometimes, I'm such a bad daughter to her.

Do your parts to make her happy too.

Take care of your only brother and sisters too.

Don't get hurt so easily with people, even if they only used their tongues. 

Be patience. Sometimes you can't always get what you wants.

Allah holds it for you now, and He'll give you later.

Believe me.

And one more thing, 

Don't get angry too easy. It will ruin yourself, and myself. 

Be brave. Have courage. There's many things you need to face outside. 

It's way different from school. Way different. 

Don't feel that you're alone. Sometimes, in the other parts of the world, there's a person is way lonelier than you. 

Change. If you can't change yourself, nobody can't. We can change together.

Make them proud. Be good to your friends, an people around you too. 

Don't forget, make deeds. 

It's for your own good and to people around you. 

Have red in you. 

It's the colour of each of us that we need to face the world.


It's the colour of you. The colour of your passion that burning inside of you.

You're brave enough. How do I know?

Don't you realize one thing?

After all the obstacle that we've face together, we're still breathing? We're still living a good live?

Smile dear. 

Because every living things have rights to smile. 

Don't be black, be red.  

Red is a colour of courage. The colour of passion. The colour of strength. And the colour that we need in ourselves 

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