Another Year.

10:16 PM
Dear Na,

As I was writing this, life’s already hard isn’t it?

Dear Na,
You’ve gone through so far. Why do you wanted to quit? After all those years of struggling and suffering? I know sometimes we wanted to run away from everything but running would become your bad habit.  But, I’m proud of you. You’re not running away from whatever happens. To prove my words, you’re still here in the same place, lingering around with the same issues.

It would never be over, trust me. It WILL over when one of you left. I know somehow you wanted to leave, but the love brings you back and tied up your legs. The power of love and too much empathy inside you that makes you hurt yourself even more.

Those words really does killing us inside, aren’t they? Those too much words somehow growing inside us. But they never know. All they know that you hurt them, you hurt their feelings, but yours. But its okay. Those words don’t last forever.


Happy birthday Na. You’re strong enough to beat the world out there. Life’s always has their own challenges. No matter how far you go. Be an elegant lady of 21 years old who has no beauty but best brain, be kind as always (even I know you tried your best), make those people shut off their mouth and be happy with yourself.

At the end of every road, there’s a light waiting for you. Do what makes you happy; keep on people that you treasure and let people do bad things to you. It’s okay. There would always be people for you. Don’t be afraid. There's still people care for us.

Enjoy your day while it last!

Love you as always,

Your other half,

p/s: Thank you for those warm wishes! You know who you are? :)

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